Reflection After Job Shadowing / Future Career MultiMedia Presentations

I’m so proud of my English 2 students who completed their Job Shadowing / Future Career MultiMedia Presentations.  This process required on the job experience as well as research about the intended dream career, including job skills, education requirements, training, certification, and more. Students also created resumes, cover letters, references lists, and thank you emails so that they have an authentic experience with these practice documents that many of them used to gain interviews as well as jobs in their first high school jobs.  I’m so proud of their hard work. This experience will definitely help them in the real world outside of school because all of these skills are pertinent to their success in their future careers.  They will achieve their dreams as long as they believe and work hard toward achieving those goals.

Students, please reflect on your experience to evaluate yourself and the presentation process as well as earn the rest of your summative points for the multimedia presentation!

Please reflect on your presentation and evaluate yourself on how well you presented your Job Shadowing / Future Career information.  Make sure you have at least 300 words and answer ALL of the questions in detail.  I recommend that you use bullet points so that I can clearly see your responses to all the different questions:

  1. Summarize what you learned from your Job Shadowing / Future Career presentation. (What career do you want? Why? What will you need to do to attain your dream job?)
  2. Evaluate how well you think you did on your presentation? (What are you proud of?  What do you think you could have done better?)
  3. What are some presentation techniques that you can incorporate into your next presentation? (Assess the other presentations you witnessed; what did you see someone else do that you would want to try yourself?)
  4. What could you have done differently to change the outcome of your presentation? (Think of the process as well as the actual presentation)
  5. Finish the following statements:
    • I wish that I would have….
    • If I could present my presentation again I wouldn’t…
    • The easiest part of the presentation process was…
    • The hardest part of the presentation process was…
    • Now that I have reflected on my presentation, I…

Mock Interview Reflection

So far you have completed job shadowing, created a resume, cover letter, and reference list.  Recently we conducted mock interviews in the classroom, where you were able to practice your interviewing skills.  You had a chance to act like an employer who was interviewing others for a job and you were able to practice your own interview skills by pretending to be at a job interview and responding to questions. Now, it’s time to reflect on the process.

Please type a 200 word (or more) reflection on the mock interview process by answering the following questions.  Feel free to Bullet Point each response or write as a one paragraph journal reflection.

  1. How did you feel while you interviewed a classmate?  Do you believe that seeing an interview from the employer’s perspective makes you more prepared or not?  Please explain.
  2. How did you feel while you were interviewed by a classmate?  Did you feel anxious, nervous, scared, prepared, overwhelmed, confident, etc.?  Please explain why you felt that way.
  3. How do you feel about your responses?  Do you think your responses to the questions were adequate or do you feel you could have done better? What question did you find easy?  What question did you find difficult to answer?
  4. What advice would you give someone who is participating in a mock interview or a real interview? What advice would you give yourself; in other words, how do you think you could improve for your real interview?
  5. Yes, I know these mock interviews weren’t real, so imagine how you would perform in the interview if it was real.  What have you learned you need to do to be better prepared?  How should you dress for an interview?  How should you behave before, during, and after an interview?  What should you bring with you to an interview?
  6. Evaluate the activity.  Be honest.  What do you think was good about this class activity?  How do you think we could improve this activity for next time, next year? Do you believe this is a skill you do need or do not need in real life?  Please explain.


*If you find any creative job interview images to add to this blog, please post them so that you can enhance your blog post and have more people visit and comment on your blog post.

8th Period Mock Interview

Student Mock Interviews

8th Period Mock Interviews

Student Mock Interviews

Current News Reflection

What’s in the NEWS? How do you feel about it?  What are your thoughts?

Type a 200 word Blog Post about Current News. Peruse the news sites and read an article about something that interests you: sports, national news, local news, education, politics, entertainment, health, etc. After you read the news article, do the following in your blog post:

  • Summarize your article and insert a link to the article. If there is an image that you could also share on your blog, please do so.
  • Evaluate whether you believe the article is one sided (biased) or if it seems neutral and allows the reader to come to his/her own conclusion.
  • Analyze what you found shocking, surprising, amazing, saddening, exciting, frustrating, etc. about the article. Share your personal thoughts.
  • Ask your readers questions to get them thinking about the article’s topic
  • Synthesize what type of news would you like to read about or watch?  Do you think the news is accurate? How do the different news sites try to entice people to read/watch their site?  How do images/videos help/hurt news articles and news sites?
  • Scan the article before you submit it to make sure it’s appropriate for all age levels (there are topics on the news that may not be appropriate for younger kids, so please refrain from those overly sensitive topics)

Here are some links to major news sites to get you started:

Here is a link to the top News Sites for May 2015 TOP 15 News Sites May 2015