Pulaski Day and Other National Holidays.

In 2018, Pulaski Day falls on Monday, March 5. As you peruse the calendar of National Holidays in the United States, you will notice that many of them have to do with different cultures, politics, religions, etc.  Some of these are national holidays where students do not attend school and major government buildings like post offices are closed.  Check out the different holidays and find one to research and analyze for your Blog Post.

Requirements for 200 or more word Blog Post on National Holidays:

  • Pick a National Holiday in the United States
  • Research the day we celebrate this holiday and the reasons behind the holiday.  Why do we celebrate it?  How do we celebrate it? What specific religion, culture, politician, etc is it affiliated with?
  • Make sure you include a photo related to the Holiday and/or a link to the research you found to help you summarize your blog post.  Use your own words.  If you are using direct quotes from a resource, make sure you use quotation marks and give credit to the source.
  • Synthesize why you celebrate or do not celebrate this holiday.  Share your opinion on why you think this holiday should or should not continue to be celebrated in the United States.

Helpful Links:




Who Was Casimir Pulaski? And When Did We Start Celebrating His Birthday?



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Black History Month

All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and be proud of being an individual. No one should be stereotyped by their race, gender, background, social status, etc.  We are all human beings and we should be proud of who we are because there is no other person like us. Don’t judge a person by the outside appearance; don’t stereotype a person or generalize an entire group or race of people.  We are all human and we all deserve love and respect; and, we should all show ourselves respect.  We all Matter.  You Matter. Let’s make a difference and be more awesome!

Now, take the Challenge:  Since it’s Black History Month, please pick a person or group of people who represent Black History so that we learn more about these important people and their amazing accomplishments.

Look at the Poster below:

Pick one of the challenges, find an appropriate image or video, and write a 200-300 word reflection on the image/video.  Analyze what the image/video represents and how that one image/video can pretty much say a 1000 words. How is the image an important example of Black History Month?  Explain in detail.  Make sure you include the image/video in your Post.

Try to research someone/something important and/or influential that inspires you or someone/something you haven’t learned yet about Black History.  Educate your readers about this event, movie, video, song, poem, book, person, movement, etc. We are better when we know better.  So do some research and educate your readers.  Feel free to look back into the past or focus on something in the current past or present.  Make sure it relates to Black History.

Celebrating Black History

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Superbowl Commercials 2018 and Rhetorical Situation

Super Bowl commercials are very expensive and millions of people watch them, so the creators of these commercials have to be effective so the money that was spent on the very short product was worthwhile.

As we look at some commercials, focus on the persuasive methods that were used and try to relate to how they could help you prepare for your social issue research paper.

Before watching some commercials together as a class, I asked students to focus on 3 aspects (which they needed in their social issue research papers):

  1. What is the purpose (message) of the video?
  2. How did the commercial show both sides of this perspective (message)? Or, was there only one stance (one viewpoint) to the commercial?
  3. How effective was the content in the commercial to get audience attention to the  product and/or something else currently occurring in society/news?

Now it’s time for students to have some choice as they analyze other commercials and videos.

Directions: Your goal is to find and share at least 3 video commercials in order to write at least 250 words by analyzing the PURPOSE, AUDIENCE, and STANCE of these commercials. Make sure you go to ADD MEDIA and EMBED the videos into your blog post so your audience can view the video and comment on whether they agree or disagree with your analysis….or add more to your analysis.

Here are your options:

  • Analyze your top 3 Favorite Superbowl Commercials
  • Analyze your bottom 3 Least Favorite Superbowl Commercials
  • Analyze your top 3 Most Funny Superbowl Commercials
  • Analyze your top 3 Most Serious Superbowl Commercials
  • Analyze your top 3 Unbelievable/Unrealistic Superbowl Commercials (ones in which actions happened that we know are not realistic to real life)
  • Analyze 3 Different Types of Superbowl Commercials (Food related, Car related, Beverage related, etc)
  • If you have another creative idea to analyze 3 different Superbowl Commercials, see me to approve and go ahead
  • If you prefer to not analyze commercials, find 3 videos you like and analyze their purpose, audience, and stance. (For example 3 most motivational videos or 3 inspiring videos, etc)  See me for approval

Some added resources to help you complete this assignment well:







Close Reading of Super Bowl Commercials

Rhetorical Analysis of a Superbowl Commercial