Meet Mrs. Maslowski

Selfie with my We Matter Wall at Joliet West High School in Illinois!

Selfie with my We Matter Wall at Joliet West High School in Illinois!

I’m excited about our blogging journey. My name is Maggie Maslowski and I’m an English teacher at Joliet West High School in Illinois.  Hopefully my students and I can share some of our amazing learning and collaborating throughout this school year. Here’s a few facts about me:

  • I’m Polish-American….born in Poland, immigrated to the U.S.A. when I was a young child.  Yes, I still speak Polish. And, I’m teaching my own children to be bilingual as well.
  • I have two amazing sons: Patrick is 7 and Andrew is 5.  They are adorable and funny.
  • I have been married since 2006; I love sharing with my students that my husband started out being my best friend and he was my Prom Date.  Yes, we are high school sweethearts.
  • I taught junior high for a few years before coming to Joliet West back in 2007.  I love teaching and I continue to learn with the students as well as from my students.
  • I LOVE professional development, especially ICE and DeICE conferences, edcamps, playdates, and SAMRI trainings.  It’s exciting to hear about all the genius teaching happening all over the world; and I love collaborating and learning from the best of the best in education. Twitter has opened up my world professionally as well personally to become a better educator and to continue making a difference.
  • I hope 2016 is full of genius, engagement, motivation, creation, and so much more!














3 thoughts on “Meet Mrs. Maslowski

    • Thank you so much for your kind comments. Once the students are back from Spring Break, we will definitely visit more blogs. Thank you!

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